- Recipes
- 1kg potatoes
- 1 farmhouse reblochon cheese
- 200g lardons
- 2 onions
- Freshly ground black peppe
- Cook the potatoes whole in salted, boiling water.
- Thinly slice the onions and fry them in a pan with the lardons.
- Pour half the onion/lardons mix into the bottom of a baking dish. Skin the potatoes, slice them, and layer these next in the baking dish. Top with the rest of the onion/lardons mix. Season with freshly ground black pepper.
- Scrape into the rind of the reblochon, cut the cheese into two identical disc shapes and lie these on top, cheese side up.
- Heat the dish gently in the oven until the reblochon has completely melted over the potatoes.