• Boat trips, Stand up paddle

Stand up paddle on the wild Rhône

An immersion in the heart of the wild Rhône in stand-up paddle…

Boat trips, Stand up paddle Stand up paddle on the wild Rhône Champagneux


Champagneux (73240)
Animals not allowed
Proposed by

An original itinerary with our instructors, to the discovery of an unusual jungle surprising and picturesque.
You can mix kayak and stand-up paddle
For groups and individuals. Booking only.
Children from 10 years old.

    1 2


    One price: 44 €.

    Price: 45€ / pers. for a half day with an instructor.

    Methods of payment accepted : Check, Cash, Travellers Cheque


    Open to children
    Animals not allowed
    Languages spoken : English, Spanish, French
    Languages of documentation : English, French


    From 01/04 to 01/11, daily.
    The base is open from 1 April to 1 November. Our offices are open all year round.
    From November to March, some activities can be organised during the week, on request, depending on the weather conditions.

    • Accompanied


    73240 Champagneux
    Start near : Champagneux (73240)
    On : Champagneux (73240), Novalaise (73470)

    More informations

    Information update on 27/03/2024 by Communauté de Communes Val Guiers