• Historic site and monument

Poype de Ternier

The château was home to a seigneury, the Ternier family, with a small local jurisdiction. The château comprised a keep, a courtyard, living quarters and a chapel dedicated to Saint-Nicolas.

Historic site and monument Poype de Ternier Saint-Julien-en-Genevois


    Saint-Julien-en-Genevois (74160)

    After being occupied by the Bernese from 1536, and then by the Genevese in 1589, the Duke of Savoy Charles Emmanuel attempted to reconquer it. To force the occupiers to surrender, cannons were fired and the castles (Comtal and Poype) were partly destroyed.


    Free access.


    Languages spoken : French

    Caution: the climb to the ruin runs along the edge of a cliff and can be slippery. Please take care.


    All year round, daily.


    T ernier 74160 Saint-Julien-en-Genevois
    Information update on 18/12/2024 by Office de Tourisme des Monts du Genevois