Dominating the forum since 1988, this work is a gift from the Scaler Foundation, a deposit of the Musée National d'Art Moderne, Centre George Pompidou. These "trees" were named by Marcel Breuer "Le Papillon, le Bulbe, Le Grand Lobé, L'Antenne, l'Infléchi, l'Arbre déploiement plane et le Soleil" and blend insidiously with the surrounding nature.
- Historic site and monument
Le Boqueteau des 7 Arbres
Free access.
The Flaine Art Centre organises a free guided tour of the resort every Tuesday at 2pm (in winter and summer, registration required).
Follow the director of the Art Centre through the twists and turns of Flaine, in pursuit of the history of Flaine and its little stories too...
The Boqueteau des 7 Arbres is one of the buildings featured on this tour.
On a leash only.
All year round, daily.
Labels and rating
- Pets welcome
- Stroller-accessible
The Boqueteau des 7 arbres is located in the centre of Flaine Forum not far from the Chapelle Œcuménique, and the Tourist Office. In winter, it is located at the top of "Glisse à GoGo" toboggan run.
To get there on foot from Flaine Forêt, take the orange inclined lifts. Coming by car? The nearest car park is P2, just before the entrance to Flaine Forum.
- Accessible for self-propelled wheelchairs
The work can be viewed from the bottom of the promontory.