• Historic site and monument

La Chapelle de la Minière

The baroque chapel in La Minière dates back to the seventeenth century (1661). It is dedicated to Saint Barbe,( patron saint of miners)who is represented in the wall painting, to Saint Lucie (patron saint of stone sculptors) and to Saint Bernard de Menthon (patron saint of mountain people)

Historic site and monument La Chapelle de la Minière Saint-Georges-d'Hurtières


Saint-Georges-d'Hurtières (73220)
Guided individual tours on request

It was restored in 1883, then in 1985. In the painting the same scene was reproduced.
Its wrought iron grid, bearing the date of 1668 and the name of the artist –G Bonnet-, is remarkable. A similar one exists in Chambéry in the Croix d’Or street, on the mansion of the Castagnery family who owned the mines in St Georges. Another one also exists in the choir of the old church in Annecy

    1 3


    Free access.


    Languages spoken : French
    Languages visits : English, French


    All year round, daily.

    Labels and rating

    17th C


    La minière 73220 Saint-Georges-d'Hurtières
    Information update on 17/11/2020 by Office de Tourisme Porte de Maurienne