• Historic site and monument

Eglise Saint-Théodule-Montgellafrey (church): Open access

The church stands on a slope, in the middle of the village. The entrance to the building originally faced upstream but it was frequently exposed to runoff water and so, in 1698 was rebuilt to face the valley.

Historic site and monument Eglise Saint-Théodule-Montgellafrey (church): Open access Saint François Longchamp


Saint François Longchamp (73130)
Unguided individual tours available permanently
Guided individual tours on request

Of the original building, only the Medieval bell tower remains, recognizable by its blind arcades. This Lombard-style tower was restored in 1835. Saint Théodule (Theodore), patron saint of the parish and protector of vineyards, was positioned in a niche above the current entrance. Oddly, the statue is holding a real glass in his hand. Legend has that every year, the oldest parishioner named Théodule climbs up a ladder to refill the glass with wine!

Inside, the high-altar, which dates back to 1698, is not made from carved wood but rather from plaster. The nave also houses four other altarpieces.

Group bookings available on request.
Contact: sandrine.perez@fondation-facim.fr: +33 (0)4 79 60 59 02


Languages visits : German, English, French, Italian


From 03/07 to 28/08/2024, every Wednesday between 10 am and 12 pm.

Labels and rating

Registered at the monuments and historic sites
Town of Art & History
19th C
17th C
18th C
20th C


Montgellafrey 73130 Saint François Longchamp
Information update on 25/04/2024 by Fondation Facim