• Historic site and monument

Chapelle du Baptieu

The Baptieu chapel is located in the heart of the charming hamlet of Baptieu, on the left bank of the village of Les Contamines-Montjoie.

Historic site and monument Chapelle du Baptieu Les Contamines-Montjoie


Les Contamines-Montjoie (74170)
Unguided individual tours on request
Guided individual tours on request

This chapel is the oldest chapel in the parish, probably built in the 15th century by the Charvey family.
It is dedicated to Saint Mary Magdalene, patron saint of repentant girls, and Saint George, patron saint of horsemen, soldiers and knights. It was rebuilt under the episcopate of Mgr d'Arenthon d'Alex in the year 1679.
The façade has an oculus and a door with bars. A wooden bell tower and its bronze bell dominate the chapel. Three remarkable religious objects can be seen: a statue of Saint Mary Magdalene from the 16th century, one of Saint Sebastian from the 18th century and a folk art crucifix.

Source: Association Mémoire, Histoire et Patrimoine des Contamines-Montjoie.

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Free of charge.


Languages spoken : French
Languages visits : French
Languages informatives signs : French


All year round, daily.

Labels and rating

18th C


Hameau du Baptieu 74170 Les Contamines-Montjoie
Information update on 14/02/2022 by Office de Tourisme des Contamines-Montjoie