Discover the Chapel of Notre Dame des Grâces and the typical hamlet of Villaron with its chapel and oven.

Sport The Squirrel snowshoe route Bessans


Departing from Bessans (73480)
Average length : 03h15
Total elevation gain : 80m
Distance : 6.5km
Signed walking trail
Animals allowed
Average duration of an individual visit : 03h15

The Chapel of Our Lady of Graces has always been the object of strong popular attachment, as evidenced by the numerous exvoto and the wedding crowns which are still deposited there today. Destroyed by an avalanche in 1981, it has undergone a high-quality reconstruction and interior refitting.

From the car park, opposite the Espace sportif Le Carreley, turn left and join the starting panel for the pedestrian, snowshoe and fatbike routes. The route runs along the D902. At the oratory, turn right and continue straight. The route meanders between open space and a wooded environment. Cross over the Avérole torrent bridge and turn right. Go through the hamlet of La Goulaz and follow the route which winds through open spaces and arrives at the Chapel of Notre Dame des Grâces. From there, turn left and reach the Villaron car park. Continue passing in front of the picnic room and continue along the edge of the forest. At the La Bessannaise holiday centre, cross the D902 and continue straight ahead to then cross the Avérole torrent. From here the route returns to the oratory and the return to the starting point is by the same route.
Alternative: at the Villaron car park, follow the round trip route that goes up to the hamlet. +30mins +0.6km +20m


Free access.


Animals allowed
Languages of documentation : French

Period of practice

From 21/12 to 06/04.

Subject to snow conditions.

  • Pets welcome


Le Carreley 73480 Bessans
Departing from : Bessans (73480)
Latitude : 45.322502 - Longitude : 7.001786
Information update on 13/05/2024 by Haute Maurienne Vanoise Tourisme