• Holiday centres

La Grande Ourse Holiday Centre

Located in the Vallée d'Aulps, 2km from the village, 8km from Morzine and 25km from Thonon. The Savoyard chalet offers five floors.

Holiday centres La Grande Ourse Holiday Centre Saint-Jean-d'Aulps


Saint-Jean-d'Aulps (74430)

    1 1


    Group rate available for > 17 people.

    Methods of payment accepted : Check, Cash, Travellers Cheque, Credit transfer


    Languages spoken : French


    All year round.

    • Independently Managed
    • Full-board
    • Shuttlebus
    • Wi-fi
    • Half-board
    • Tourist brochures
    • Booking of general amenities
    • Restaurant
    • Picnic hampers
    • Bus available
    • Private parking
    • Restaurant
    • Coach parking
    • Babyfoot
    • Ski boot drier
    • Car park
    • Play area
    • Barbecue
    • Entertainments room
    • Free private internet access
    • Shared WC
    • DVD player
    • Bunk beds
    • Wi-fi


    Total capacity of the units of accommodations : 132

    Number of bedrooms, apprtments or house 2 persons : 1

    Number of bedrooms, apprtments or house 3 persons : 5

    Number of bedrooms, apprtments or house 4 persons : 5

    Number of bedrooms, apprtments or house 5 persons : 2

    Number of bedrooms, apprtments or house 6 persons : 4

    Number of bedrooms, apprtments or house + 6 persons : 7

    Dormitories numer 4/9 persons : 1

    Number of bedrooms : 25

    Types of accommodations : Apartment building


    60 route de la Valettaz d'en Haut 74430 Saint-Jean-d'Aulps

    • Not accessible in a wheelchair

    More informations

    Information update on 22/08/2024 by Office de Tourisme de la Vallée d'Aulps