• Nature and relaxation

Squall of the deer

The deer slab echoes throughout the forest from late September to early October. On this occasion, the Vanoise National Park and the Tourist Office of Peisey-Vallandry organize an autumn evening on the theme of the deer, host of the Rosuel Valley.

Nature and relaxation Squall of the deer Peisey-Vallandry


On Friday 27 September 2024
Peisey-Vallandry (73210)

The mating season has arrived, and the young stags are going to go on an adventure, forgetting all caution to conquer the females.
The old males jealously watch over the herd they have returned to, and try to attract females from the neighbouring herd. These herds can reach up to 30 heads at this time. They have a lot to do day and night: watching over the females, mating with those who are ready, discouraging young males who try to steal the ones that stray away. These males without a herd can become very pushy and the fight cannot be avoided.
Intimidation manoeuvres may suffice, as the old males are experienced. Otherwise the sound of antlers clashing resounds through the forest.

In the mountains the stags are easier to see than in the undergrowth, and their bellowing echoes from rock face to rock face.

Programme 2023 :

- From 5.30 pm: Meeting with hunting delegates in the company of agents of the Vanoise National Park, with presentation of trophies, horns and antlers.

- 18:15 (reservation required): Screening of the film: Le Cerf, chasse, vie, gestion; followed by discussions and debates

- 7.30 pm (on reservation): meal at the Rosuel refuge: Split pitch soup; Croziflettes; cottage cheese with your choice of honey, blueberries, jams, sugar).

At 21h & 21h15 :
- Walk around Rosuel with an agent of the Vanoise National Park in search of deer and their bellowing and/or storytelling by the fire

Prices :
Adults: 25€.
Children (-18 years old): 20€.

Reservation required at the Peisey-Vallandry tourist office or on https://www.peisey-vallandry.com/billetterie-en-ligne-1.html
Caution: limited number of places!

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    Prices not available. Prices :
    Adults: 25€.
    Children (-18 years old): 20€.
    Including the meal at the refuge and the night entertainment.

    Number of participants : 10 pers. Min. -
    Methods of payment accepted : Check, Cash, Online payment


    Languages spoken : English, French
    Languages of documentation : French

    Provide warm clothes, a headlamp and good shoes for the evening.


    Friday 27 September 2024.


    Vallée de Rosuel Nancroix 73210 Peisey-Vallandry
    Information update on 19/07/2024 by Office de Tourisme de Peisey Vallandry