• Sports and leisure

Ski and Nature in Val Cenis

The Val Cenis Resort and the Vanoise National Park are organizing the third event combining leisure, sport and the environment in Haute Maurienne Vanoise. Tourism and nature rhyme with sustainable development.

Sports and leisure Ski and Nature in Val Cenis Val-Cenis


On Monday 03 March 2025
Val-Cenis (73500)
50 participants + 3000 expected spectators

A theme that already has a history in Val Cenis! The creation of the first French National Park in 1963 means that 50% of the municipal territory is located in a preserved area. Since 2014, the Val Cenis ski area has had an environmental observatory in order to better understand and thus better preserve the exceptional natural heritage of its territory.
This event, with educational, participative and educational aims, will be punctuated by highlights, group ski lessons, walks and awareness workshops, in collaboration with the Agents of the Vanoise National Park and the ONF, screening of films and conference-debates, entertainment throughout the week, villages of stands on the snow front.
Do you have an environmental sensitivity? Children and families, skiers or non-skiers, join us in Val Cenis for enriching discoveries!
Visit the event website for the full programme.

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    Free of charge.


    Languages spoken : French


    From Monday 3 to Friday 7 March 2025.


    Front de neige du Pont des Chèvres Lanslebourg-Mont-Cenis 73480 Val-Cenis
    Information update on 04/06/2024 by Haute Maurienne Vanoise Tourisme