• Adventure trail / Accrobranche® (tree top adventure trails)

Écureuil Treetop Adventure Course

Move from tree to tree passing from one acrobatic challenge to another (suspension bridges, zip lines, boulders ...) in a magnificent setting fully immersed in the great outdoors. Enjoy a fun athletic outing with family or friends.

Adventure trail / Accrobranche® (tree top adventure trails) Écureuil Treetop Adventure Course Pralognan-la-Vanoise


Pralognan-la-Vanoise (73710)
Average length : 2h

Choose one of two adventure courses depending on your age: the short course (8-12 years old) and long course (ages 12 years and up).
Equipment provided.


Short course (8-12 years old) + 1 zip line (200m): €29/person
Long course (ages 12 and up) + 2 zip lines (150m): €29/person
Long course (ages 12 and up) + 6 zip lines (1700m): €50/person.


Open to children
Languages spoken : English


From 01/06 to 30/09, daily.

Average length : 2h


Bureau des guides de Pralognan-La-Vanoise 69 rue du Grand Couloir 73710 Pralognan-la-Vanoise
Start near : Pralognan-la-Vanoise (73710)
Information update on 04/05/2023 by Office de Tourisme de Pralognan-la-Vanoise