You've made your first long flights, you enjoyed it and you want to continue! The intermediate course enables you to gain more independence, discover new sites and increase your knowledge with theory lessons.

Paragliding "Intermediate" paragliding course Morillon


Morillon (74440)
Average length : 5 Days
Animals not allowed
Proposed by

"Intermediate Course" in paragliding
The packages:
- 6 flights: €300
- 12 flights: €540 including:
- All necessary equipment on loan (wing, harness, emergency parachute, helmet, radio receiver)
(10% discount if you provide your own equipment)
- Accompanied by qualified instructors
- Lessons on theory and video support
- Transport to the flight location


Adult: from 600 €.

Methods of payment accepted : Check, Travellers Cheque, Cash, Credit transfer


Animals not allowed
Languages spoken : English, Spanish, French
Languages of documentation : English, French


From 01/05 to 31/10/2024
Opening hours daily .

Average length : 5 Days

  • Lesson
  • Group lesson
  • Individual lesson
  • Course
  • Improvers' course
  • Equipment provided
  • Weekdays
  • Weekend
  • Accompanied


PROFEEL Parapente Hermine 2 Morillon village 74440 Morillon
Start near : Morillon (74440)

Paragliding school. In the centre of the village. 100 metres from the church.

Information update on 27/08/2024 by Haut-Giffre Tourisme