• Holiday centres

Le Refuge

Le Refuge has been welcoming guests since 1971. It is a 10-minute walk from the Bernex ski slopes.

Holiday centres Le Refuge Bernex


Bernex (74500)

TV, WIFI access with computer.
Playground and table tennis.
All rooms have private sanitary facilities (shower, washbasin, WC).
Hotel management.
Capacity 2 classrooms, 2 games rooms.

    1 6


    Languages spoken : English

    • Full-board
    • Half-board
    • Private parking
    • Coach parking
    • Car park
    • Play area
    • TV room
    • Entertainments room
    • Shelter for bikes/mountain bikes
    • Television
    • Sheets and towels included
    • DVD player
    • Wi-fi
    • Towel included


    Total capacity of the units of accommodations : 80

    Number of bedrooms, apprtments or house 1 person : 1

    Number of bedrooms, apprtments or house 2 persons : 4

    Number of bedrooms, apprtments or house 3 persons : 3

    Number of bedrooms, apprtments or house 5 persons : 10

    Number of bedrooms, apprtments or house 6 persons : 1

    Number of bedrooms : 19

    Types of accommodations : Apartment building


    1093 Route de la Dent d'Oche Trossy 74500 Bernex
    Information update on 21/06/2024 by Office de Tourisme Leman Mountains Explore