This rock is carved with multiple facets in Corten steel. This material, which is rusted to resist atmospheric conditions, is the result of industrial innovation. If we listen carefully, the work tells us the story of an age-old nature. In this way, Basserode evokes the relationship, the agreement or the opposition between science and the power of nature.
Possibility to discover the Church of Notre Dame de Toute Grace and the Heritage Centre in Plateau d'Assy.
- Historic site and monument
Sculpture - Roulement
Free for individual visitors. Fee-paying visits available with a local heritage guide.
Every day throughout the year.
Labels and rating
- Pets welcome
- Educational visits
- Coach access
- Themed tour
- Set down on-site for groups
- Tourist brochures
- Tour free of charge
- Picnic area
- Car park
- Coach parking
Possibility to park opposite this sculpture on the Avenue Dr Jacques Arnaud.
Information update on 25/11/2021 by Office de Tourisme de Passy