• Historic site and monument

Razerel oven

Until the middle of the 20th century, the Razerel oven was at the heart of life in the hamlet of Razerel, which still had 26 inhabitants in 1896. The last inhabitants left in 1965, as evidenced by the ruins of a few houses in the surrounding area.

Historic site and monument Razerel oven Saint-Alban-Leysse


Saint-Alban-Leysse (73230)

The local population lived by farming and raising livestock. With no local springs or water sources, rainwater was collected in cisterns. Life was hard, and families helped each other to get by.

Maintained by the association "Les Sentiers de Saint Alban-Leysse", in agreement with the municipality, the Four de Razerel is an emblem of the local heritage.


Languages spoken : French


All year round, daily.


73230 Saint-Alban-Leysse

Access on foot via Saint Alban-Leysse's signposted footpaths (map available from Saint Alban-Leysse town hall).

Information update on 29/03/2023 by Grand Chambéry Alpes Tourisme