The Freestyle Motion Camp is segmented intos : "Freestyler" for beginners and "Freestyler Expert" for experts. The content is based on freestyle and freeride practices in the broad sense: freestyle, freeride, boardercross. A friendly atmosphere to have fun and spend a nice moment all together.

Freestyle Training "Freestyle motion" Méribel


Méribel (73550)
Animals not allowed
Proposed by


From 22/12/2024 to 03/01/2025
One price: from 431 €.

From 09/02 to 07/03/2025
One price: from 474 €.

From 06/04 to 18/04/2025
One price: from 474 €.


Animals not allowed
Languages spoken : English, French
Languages of documentation : English, French


From 22/12/2024 to 03/01/2025, daily between 9.15 am and 5 pm.

From 09/02 to 07/03/2025, daily between 9.15 am and 5 pm.

From 06/04 to 18/04/2025, daily between 9.15 am and 5 pm.


Ski, Snowboard and Off-piste School ESF Meribel


Front de neige de la Chaudanne - Méribel Centre Front de neige de Mottaret - Méribel-Mottaret Méribel - Mottaret 73550 Méribel
Start near : Méribel (73550)
Information update on 09/08/2024 by Méribel Tourisme