• Restaurant

Paul Héroult High school application restaurant

The application restaurant of the Paul Héroult high school is a pedagogical restaurant, open to the public, on reservation only.

Restaurant Paul Héroult High school application restaurant Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne


Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne (73300)

Students and Teachers from the Hospitality section propose seasonal menu, composed with quality meals by passionate students.
The meals and the culinary art are highlighted by futures hospitality professionals at baccalaureate level.

We'll be enjoyed to welcome you in a warm ambiance.

The reservations are taking by phone. By an organisation trouble, we ask you to reserve 24h before.

The restaurant got 30 places.
The menu is, in general, required. They are posted on the high school website.


Methods of payment accepted : Check, Cash


From 01/01 to 31/12
Opening hours on Tuesday and Friday between 12 pm and 2.30 pm.

  • Training restaurant


307 Avenue du Mont-Cenis 73300 Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne
Information update on 07/10/2024 by Montagnicimes Office de tourisme Intercommunal