- Restaurant
McDonald's - Anthy-sur-Léman
- Sustainable development
- Waste management
A la carte: 4.70 to 15.80 €
Adult menu: 8.45 to 22.20 €
Child menu: 6.30 €
Bottle of water: 3.20 to 3.40 €
Coffee: 1.75 to 4.05 €.
Methods of payment accepted : Bank/credit card, Travellers Cheque, Currency, Cash, Titres restaurant (vouchers)
From 01/01 to 31/12
Opening hours daily between 10 am and 1 am.
Closed exceptionally on December 25th.
- Pets welcome
- Wi-fi
- Tourist brochures
- Tourist information
- Restaurant
- Fast food
- Click & Collect
- Play area
- Shady grounds
- Terrace
- Toilets
- Air conditioning
- Air conditioned restaurant
- Car park
- Defibrillator
- Sustainable development
- Private parking
- Waste management
- Baby chair
- Accessible for self-propelled wheelchairs
- Minimum aisle width of 90 cm
- Reception desk between 70-80 cm high
- WC + grab handle + adequate space to move
- Site, building totally accessible
Information update on 26/09/2023 by Office de Tourisme intercommunal Destination Léman