Departure from Forgeassoud Dessus (or Saint-Jean-de-Sixt Tourist Office). Shortly after the start, a steep KV climb to the Cabane du Suet, then a gradual descent to Entre Deux Nants. From here, switch to the road and climb up the other side of the valley to Chapelle des Champs Courbes. In the Bois des Traversiers, a flat route to the hamlet of Lombardes, then down to the Cours du Nom and back up to the village, finishing on a final stretch of road to reach the start at Le Crêt.
- Sport
Trail n°16 Suet/La Mare/Traversiers
A responsible and respectful sport.
Trail running is a demanding sport, so make sure you're properly equipped and find out beforehand about the weather conditions and the difficulties of the route.
weather conditions and the difficulties of the route. Don't forget to take something to eat.
On the ground, there are rules: don't throw anything away, follow the pathways so as not to damage the environment, respect private- and public property, and don't leave anything on the ground.
private property and other users, do not damage fences, and remember to close the entrances to herd pens.
herd entrances. When confronted with a guard dog, adopt a calm and passive attitude,
stop running and, above all, don't threaten him with a stick: he will eventually leave after sizing you up.
Free access.
Period of practice
All year round.
Subject to favorable weather.
- Pets welcome