In France today, 100 farms disappear every week. The price of farmland has risen by 30% in 20 years.
Since 2003, citizens have been acquiring farmland and setting up organic and peasant farmers.
Thanks to shareholders and donors, 200 farms have been purchased in France.
Gilbert Gourraud, a professional storyteller, evokes this contemporary epic in his "crazy" tale.
On the program:
- 6:30 pm - Storytelling show "Terre de Liens, a contemporary epic" by Gilbert Gourraud
- Around 7.50pm - Presentation of local initiatives to preserve farmland
- Around 9.30pm - Discussions over a shared aperitif (everyone brings a drink or food to share)
- Cultural, Entertainment/recreation
Preserving farmland" storytelling show
Free access.
Friday 4 October 2024 at 6.30 pm.
Information update on 01/10/2024 by Montagnicimes Office de tourisme Intercommunal