• Entertainment/recreation

Play NOVECENTO, pianist

It's a play written for a single actor, the narrator, the friend and Novecento himself. It's a show for all audiences. Company: Le Théâtre du Coin, Vulbens

Entertainment/recreation Play NOVECENTO, pianist Samoëns


On Sunday 19 January 2025 in 17:00:00
Samoëns (74340)

It's full of sensitivity, with a touch of drama, skilfully sprinkled with zests of humor and even a hint of irony.
The story: My name is Tim Tooney.
January 1927, I board the Virginian with only my trumpet, I'm 17 years old and longing for America. August 1933, I step off the Virginian liner with nothing but a crazy story to tell. A crazy story indeed, but a beautiful one... This story was given to me by Danny Boodman TD Lemon Novecento, because I was his best friend. This crazy story is HIS story. The story of a man who was born on a boat and never got off, I mean not once, not one time, in his whole life. Let me tell it to you, let it pass through your heart, and I'll give it to you as a gift.


Free of charge.


Languages spoken : French


Sunday 19 January 2025 at 5 pm.


Salle du Criou Sous le Cinéma 74340 Samoëns

More informations

Information update on 09/01/2025 by Office de Tourisme de Samoëns