Niko, the little reindeer, lives with his mom and the whole tribe in the peaceful Reindeer Valley. In secret, Niko dreams of just one thing: meeting his father, a member of the legendary Santa Claus Brigade. To achieve this, the little reindeer is constantly training to fly to Santa's village...
Unfortunately, his efforts are in vain. So he decides to set off on foot in search of this father-hero. He is accompanied on his journey by his friend Julius, a flying squirrel. Along the way, they meet Wilma, a mischievous young weasel who will be their guide to the Santa Claus Mountains... But the wolf pack, led by the fearsome Loucifer, has only one ambition: to replace Santa Claus. Niko will need all his courage to fulfill his dream and perhaps find his father...
Running time: 1h21
- Cultural, Entertainment/recreation
Movie | "Niko the little reindeer
Adult: 8.50 €, Child (13 years): 4.50 €, Student: 7 €.
6-entry pass: €40.
Methods of payment accepted : Check, Bank/credit card, Cash, Travellers Cheque
Saturday 14 December 2024 between 5.30 pm and 6.55 pm.
Friday 20 December 2024 between 3.30 pm and 4.55 pm.
- Bicycle parking
- Parking nearby
- Car park
- Covered car park
- Toilets
- Hearing disability
- Not accessible in a wheelchair
Hearing Disability
Information update on 30/11/2024 by Office de Tourisme de la Grande Plagne