On the program:
Saturday August 31st from 9pm:
- Torch-lit descent of the soapboxes
- Fireworks display
- 80's party with 80'S with Thierry Midi and his orchestra
- Catering, refreshments, entertainment
Sunday, September 1 :
Soapbox race
- 9am - 12pm and 2pm - 5pm: trials + 3 heats
- 11:30 am: Aubade by the Echo Ardoisiers
- 12h - 13h30 : Lunch
- 5:30pm: Prize-giving ceremony
And all day long: tombola, moped and classic car exhibitions, classic car christenings, mini-karts...
Registration: lescarriolesdelacroixdestetes@hotmail.com
Registration fee 15€ per participant (lunch included)
Carrioles welcome at 7.30 a.m. (Route du Stade)
Win a trip at the tombola!
- Entertainment/recreation
Les Carrioles de la Croix des Têtes - Soapbox race
Free access. Registration fee €15 per participant (lunch included).
Methods of payment accepted : Check, Cash
Sunday 1st of September between 9 am and 5.30 pm.
- Car park
- Free car park
Information update on 19/08/2024 by Montagnicimes Office de tourisme Intercommunal