• Entertainment/recreation

Cultural season - Prohibition

Four characters face up to the social revolutions of their time. Swing dancing comes to the fore at every crossroads as an impulse to escape from everyday life. Come and enter this popular bar!

Entertainment/recreation Cultural season - Prohibition Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne


On Friday 18 April 2025 in 20:00:00
Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne (73300)

In this crazy atmosphere, four characters deal with the societal revolutions of their time as best they can. Swing dancing comes into play at every crossroads, providing an impulse to escape from everyday life.
It's playful, wild, funny and infectious: it's forbidden....

Cie La Clandestine invites you to push open the door of a popular bar and find yourself at the heart of jazz swing and contraband. Discover this 1-hour play featuring swing dance and humor.

Actors: Stella Gaton, Henri Chays, Blanche Bonnaud and Paul Koechlin
Written and directed by Paul Koechlin
Choreographer: Henri Chays
Acting direction: Cédric Marchal, Claude Courtieu, Benjamin Tournier
Lighting design: Stéphane Midon
Sets : Paul Koechlin , Andréa Tommolini
Costumes: Louise Yribarren
Distribution, Production: Maëlys Braque


Full price: 22 €, Reduced price: 17 €, Associate member: 10 €, Child (0-18 years): 7 €.

Methods of payment accepted : Bank/credit card, Check, Travellers Cheque, Cash



Friday 18 April 2025 at 8 pm.


Théâtre Gérard Philipe 115 Esplanade Giaveno 73300 Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne

  • Site, building totally accessible

More informations

Information update on 16/10/2024 by Montagnicimes Office de tourisme Intercommunal